Hip Hop - Funk - Disco- House - Techno, 3 parties the LGBTQ+ World should know about!!
Go Grrrls and NON NON NON
A group of gay girls and boys who share the same love to party. Bringing the best hip hop, house, indie, dark disco, electro-pop, electro and techno to their dancefloors and ranked in the Top Ten Bangkok, (Thailand) Nightlife attractions. Co-founded by Mae Happyair and curated with her team; DJ Dookie aka Lady Soma and DJ Cleo P, they created an anything-goes open space for people who love underground and indie music.
'I got an idea to create the queer party to see the people I want to see and I can play the type of music i love', who is also a DJ herself playing across the city.'
Mae's Roll Models
'Paula Temple and Mike Servito the rest they might not be gay but very inspire for my party are Helena Hauff, Nene H & DJ Overland.'
Message to the LGBTQ+ Community
'I see some collectives are pushing very good concept to our community at the moment. I hope one day we all can collaboration for something bigger.'
Elephant, a weekly queer techno party that happens every Thursday night at XXXX club in Manila, Philippines co-hosted by Paul Jatayna and Shahani.
'We treat it simply as a gathering of all our queer friends and family where everyone can have a safe space to dress up and express on the dance floor. It also serves as a weekly support system within groups of friends to check how everyone’s doing offline.'
With regular home grown DJs: transgender techno queens Adrianne and DIGNOS, hard techno DJ and model Hideki Ito, house dj drag queen BAMBI, pop/disco DJs The Long Islands, Celeste Lapida.
'Who are all now spreading their wings in different parties and we live for it!'
Paul's Roll Models : ANOHNI, Samantha Nicole, Orville Peck.
Shahani's Roll Model: Madonna.
Message to the LGBTQ+ Community
'Don’t always fall for that white guy in the club!'
Based in Saigon, Vietnam, GenderFunk started off as a “glitter disco funk revolution”, which has grown from primarily disco/funk music with queer influences to having shows featuring different musical themes. From the very beginning, DJ ParkING, DJ Hanoi Panic, DJ The Stinking Bishop and DJ Starchild have been GenderFunk mainstays, as well DJ Kin is a new queer talent recently added to their line up.
'We have so many other fabulous DJs who have been an integral part of our GenderFunk community making each show both familiar and unique with new or return DJs rotating into our lineup for every event'.
It's a space for ANYONE to express their identity and their gender, and an inclusive musical and dance space as well.
'We believe that each one of us is too fabulous and unique and exploding with energy for such a narrow construct! So we encourage people--gay, straight, male, female, genderqueer, transgender, etc etc--to explore their identity through dressing up, dance, and any other kind of expression they want, even if it’s just coming to watch people put on a crazy gender-bending drag show.'
'We believe society has created 2 silly, tiny little boxes (girl and boy) that everyone feels this unreasonable pressure to fit into.'
GenderFunks LGBTQ Roll Models
'Sylvester and Divine is another huge inspiration, a prolific DJ in the 70s and 80s and of course a drag icon featured in the films of John Waters.We of course admire queer musical icons both old and contemporary like David Bowie, Lady Gaga, Prince, Elton John, Freddie Mercury, Cher, etc.'